College Library Rules
1.MES College Library - Membership
All Staff, Students, Management Committee Members Parents and Visitors are assumed as the Members of Reading Section of our Library. But only those who are enrolled shall get the privilege to borrow books from Stack Room of the Library. Graduate Students will get 02 Readers Ticket, PG Students 04, Faculties10, and Administrative Staff 01.For Others, College Librarian will take appropriate decision
2. MES College Library Rules relating to Admission
1. Member should hold College ID Card and be in full uniform.2.Member held responsibility to prove their identity for Membership while using Libray.3.They should produce it before Library. Staff if they demand.4.Persons should observe strict silence.5.Persons should keep him away from using Mobile Phones.6.Splitting and Smoking prohibitted.7.Should obey instructions of Library Staff.8.Every Persons should furnish his credentials as prescribed in the Door Register by himself.9.No personnel belongings include printed materials are allowed to carry. It should be kept at the Property Counter.10.No Person shall deliberately misuse any Library Service.11.Should not misplace documents in the shelves.12.Misconduct and mis behavior should not practice.13.During Library hours a Teacher Should accompany the Students. They should enter details regarding Library hours on the Time Register.14.Should not steal Documents from Library.15.No Person shall damage, disfigure, misplace the properties of Library
3. MES College Library Rules relating to Circulation of Documents.
- Memebrs must satisfy themselves the physical condition of document they borrowed before leaving the Circulation counter.2. No arguments will be accepted about the Physical Damage of Documents the time of return. Physical Damage includes writing with pen, pencil, mutilation, slitting and missing of cover and inside pages. Damage and lost of Book Plate, Card, Spine Label and Erasing of Class Numbers, Accession Numbers, Stamped date and Library Seal are also considered as Damage of Documents.3. Do not lose books. In case of book lost, a new same copy should be submitted on or before the due date. Lagging of submission of new book within due date will call normal fine.4.Books should be returned on or before the date last stamped at Book Plate. It will be 14 days for all Members. 5. Late fine will be Rs.01.00 per book per day.6. All members should submit the Books borrowed by them at end of each Financial Year. 7.Members should submit the document lent to him/her at the Library if College Librarian recall the same before the due date.8.Should not take more than one chance for renewal of Books once borrowed.9.Borrowers should put a signature on the Issue Register having the details of documents taken by them.10.Should not tried to return borrowed Books on the same day of Issue.11.Should not tried to borrow Reference Books by hiding, erasing or tampering the identification marks for “Reference” in the Documents.12.Ordinarily Reference Documents and Rare Books shall not be issued. However College Librarian has the discretion to lend any document on specific condition.
4. MES College Library Rules relating to Readers Tickets.
- To enroll and have Readers Ticket Member should submit request before College Librarian.2.Two days after receiving request Readers Tickets shall be issued.3.Members should receive the Readers Ticket from Library in person after signing on the Register within the prescribed day.4.Non receipt of Readers Ticket after registration call for clerical charges. Members should not tried to borrow more than one Book against one Readers Ticket.5.Should not transfer Readers Ticket at any situation or any condition.6.Should not use other’s Readers Ticket for borrowing Books at any situation or condition.7.Should not Tamper or mutilate the cover or card of Readers Ticket.8.Should not make the entries in the Readers Ticket blurred or erased in any way.9.Student Members should surrender all Readers Ticket issued to them before College Librarian along with the application for “No Dues” certification from Library.10.Should submit a written request for duplicate Readers Ticket in case of lost. 11. After conducting verification Duplicate Readers Ticket may be allowed. Charges applicable.12.Ensurer acceptance of Readers Ticket from Circulation Section immediately after retuning of Books. No claims later, will be entertained.
5. MES College Library - General Regulations.
Use catalogue/OPAC before starting search on the shelves. Seek help of Library Assistant, College Librarian in case of doubts. Should not take out, misplace or disfigure any properties, accessories and furniture of Library without the permission of College Librarian. Respect and obey Library Rules. Decision of Principal as per the Report of College Librarian shall be final in all disputes.
6. MES College Digital Library Rules
Enter Member details in the Digital Library Log Book when check in and out. Use one PC by one Member only. Use internet for all your study purpose not others like looking personal e-mail, social networks etc..Do not make the computer hang by giving bundle of inputs. Use system and its peripherals very gently..Do not use Library Computers for your DTP works of any kind. Properly shut down computer after use. Do not off power supply directly. Surrender your ID card at the counter before starting use. Collect it after use. Later arguments for non-collection of ID will not be accepted.
7. MES College Library Procedures - Infringement/Negligence of Library Rules.
(a) Violation of Library Rules leads to forfeiture of Library Services , Suspension or Cancellation of Membership and or need to pay appropriate fine fixed by College Librarian
(b) Unwillingness to accept Library Procedures may leads to further actions as per the discretion of Principal by considering the report of College Librarian. It includes disciplinary actions such as Suspension of Library Membership and or loss of privilege to use Library re-sources and or recovery of Caution Deposit (if students) and or revival from salary (if staff).
8.Fees Structure:
Books issued for loan and Membership allowed at free of cost. Readers Ticket issued at Rs.25/- per Ticket. Duplicate Readers Ticket Rs.50.00 per Ticket. Loss of Readers Ticket. Rs.150.00 per Ticket (There may be changes in these Rules as per the directions of Government from time to time).