Fathima Sullami T A
Creation of knowledge is inevitable for the betterment of well being of all species on earth, especially human beings where the higher educational institutions have a crucial role. The scientists, thinkers, scholars and inventors who immensely contribute for the creation of knowledge through research and development, have been moulded in higher educational institutions. M E S College Nedumkandam since its inception has played its part meaningfully in the creation of a better society by providing resourceful human beings.
Realizing the fact that quality alone will determine the future of human endeavours, we have resorted to all possible efforts to provide and maintain education of high quality. In a highly competitive world of today nothing prevents us from doing the best practices to become the best on all fronts.
The good academic ambience which we have inherited through the meaningful and eventful years of dedicated service by our great teachers and supporting staff, ensure high quality of teaching – learning environment.
M E S College Nedumkandam, with its prestigious academic programs, covering almost all disciplines is very much particular of providing state of the art facilities with latest additions. Our college, situated in the hill station of Idukki in Kerala, is one of the oldest centres of higher education in the area where the facilities for education was meagre. The College can claim its share in the material as well as spiritual growth of thousands of students who stepped into this citadel of education. The students have immensely been benefited from the good academic ambience for their academic and personality development.
Fathima Sullami T A