Misbah - Niche of Knowledge
In order to enhance research in the academia of higher education, the Research Forum of the College has started publishing its Peer – refereed Multi – Disciplinary Research Journal, Misbah – Niche of Knowledge during the year 2009. Since the year, Misbah has been published as bi-annual with more than four hundred subscribers and more than five hundred Research Papers published to its credit. On the very next edition of its publication, Misbah has achieved the ISSN 0976-2523. The Research Forum is quite proud of its academic relevance by accepting research papers of Scholars from across various Indian Universities and Colleges.
To visit online version, please visit: Misbah Online Version
Download: Misbah – Book 11 – Volume 11 -> | Contents | Full Journal
Download: Misbah – Book 14 – Volume 14 -> | Contents | Full Journal
Download: Misbah – Book 15 – Volume 15 -> | Contents | Full Journal
Download: Misbah – Book 16 – Volume 16 -> | Contents | Full Journal
Download: Misbah – Book 17 – Volume 17 -> | Contents | Full Journal
Download: Misbah – Book 18 – Volume 18 -> | Contents | Full Journal
Download: Misbah – Book 19 – Volume 19 -> | Contents | Full Journal
Download: Misbah – Book 20- Volume 20 -> | Contents | Full Journal
Download: Misbah – Book 21- Volume 21-> | Contents | Full Journal
Research Papers Invited:
Genuine and unpublished Research Papers of the sort mentioned above are invited to be published in Misbah – niche of knowledge. You are requested to read the guidelines kindly and carefully before submission of the Papers.
1. The first page should contain the Title of the Paper, Name of author/authors, affiliation details and complete address with Mobile No. and e-mail ID.
2. There should be an abstract of not more than 250 words and five Key-words given before the introduction.
3. The matter should be typed in English, Malayalam or Hindi using the font, Times New Roman / ML-TT Karthika / ML-TT Revathi / DV-TT- Yogesh.
4. The font size should be 12, justified with 1.5 line spacing, and saved more preferably as Adobe PageMaker file .pmd or, MS.Word file .docx/.doc.
5. The respective authors/co-authors should be very careful that no grammatical or spelling errors occur in the papers concerned.
6. Bibliography / Reference must be prepared strictly as per M.L.A style format 8th edition.
7. .pdf files are not accepted
8. All the Papers will be blindly reviewed by our team and the accepted papers will be intimated in due course.
9. The Research Papers in the prescribed format will only be accepted which will be checked against plagiarism using the UGC approved URKUND software. The soft copy of the research paper shall be sent to the following e-mail id of the Research Committee, misbahmes@gmail.com
Misbah – niche of knowledge is also available in print format
. Payments shall be credited to the Joint Account of the Principal & Coordinator, Research Committee, MES College Nedumkandam in the Union Bank of India, Nedumkandam branch.
. A/C No.455102010025494
. IFSC Code UBIN0545511
. A hard copy of the Journal will be posted to the address concerned.
Ethical Policy
We publish only genuine and unpublished research papers of multi-disciplinary variance viz., Arts, Science, Humanities and Engineering which can enhance and enrich the diverse fields of the Indian research scenario. The contributor should ensure that the paper is neither accepted nor considered for publication elsewhere and will fully be responsible for the content of the paper, which in no way shall breach any line of conduct concerned with the existing law and order system and public life of the country.
Publication Wing
The Department of Languages of the Institution has a publication wing to its credit. We have been allotted ISBN from the Ministry of Human Resources, New Delhi, for publishing ten books initially, as from ISBN 978-81-924709-0-0 to ISBN 978-81-924709-0-9, and the Department has published two books yet.

1. The Essential English Grammar by Dr. D. Rejikumar – ISBN 978-81-924709-0-0, (Published in January 2013.)

2. The Islamic Finance – Progress and Constraints by Prof. Dr. Yaqoob P.K. ISBN 978-81-924709-0-1 (Published in January 2014.)