Additional Skill Aquisition Programme (ASAP)

Additional Skill Acquisition Programme (ASAP), an initiative by Higher Education and General Education Departments, Govt. of Kerala, aims to bring the students in line with the current labour market, by equipping students with adequate skill sets along with their regular academic courses. ASAP provides short term training programmes like ‘Summer Skill Training’, ‘Summer Skill Skool’, etc. to train the students with industry relevant skills. ASAP Level – 1 Programmes include combination of three courses, namely, Communication Skills in English, Basic IT and an Elective Domain Specific Skill Course. The Programmes are developed, delivered, assessed and certified with the active participation of the related industries to ensure labour market acceptance of the programmes. The Communication Skills in English and Basic IT courses to a large student community aim to create a large talent pool that can work in modern day organizations that promote a global work environment. In short the students receive sector specific skills that further enable them to be employable and industry ready.
Summer Skill Skool
Summer Skill Skool is designed by ASAP, aimed to help the needy students who are on the lookout for an immediate job, by imparting the requisite skills and hands-on-experience in various domains during their summer vacations, thereby enhancing their employability quotient. In 2015, ASAP offered offer vacation courses to schools and colleges under the banner ‘DOT Scheme’, to inculcate a culture of vocational training, thereby weaving excellence in our educational sector.
ASAP in Our College
Our College has started the Additional Skill Acquisition Programme [ASAP] in 2014 itself and we have hosted 21 days’ Training Partnership Scheme [TPS] for Undergraduate students from across Kerala in 2014 and 2015. Mr. Shamlal A Latheef, Ms. Farisha V.M., Ms. Mona V.M., Mr. Ajo and Dr. D.Rejikumar [Master Trainers in English], Prof. Abdul Rasak [Master Trainer in IT] had been the Resource Persons for ASAP T.P.S. 2014 and 2015. In addition to this, we have been effectively undertaking the ASAP Foundation Courses and Skill Courses on a regular basis. The total strength of students being selected to the ASAP courses is 30. The selection is purely based on an interview of the student with ASAP Regional officials headed by a Programme Manager. The basic communication ability of the students is given priority in selections. We have 30 students so far who have successfully completed the foundation course and continue with the Skill Course, in COST ACCOUNTING.
Dr.Nandajan.P.C. Assistant Professor Dept. of Chemistry |