National Cadet Corps (NCC)
The National Cadet Corps is the Indian military cadet corps with its Headquarters at New Delhi. It is open to school and college students on voluntary basis. National Cadet Corps is a Tri-Services Organization, comprising the Army, Navy and Air Force, engaged in grooming the youth of the country into disciplined and patriotic citizens. The National Cadet Corps in India is a voluntary organization which recruits cadets from high schools, colleges and Universities all over India. The Cadets are given basic military training in small arms and parades. The officers and cadets have no liability for active military service once they complete their course but are given preference over normal candidates during selections based on the achievements in the corp.
Foster a sense of service to society.
Strive for excellence every day.
Instill self confidence in every cadet.
Inculcate sense of National Pride and Patriotism.
Provide leadership, commitment to values and enrich quality of student life while fostering educational mission of the college.
NCC Logo

“I do hereby solemnly promise that I will serve my motherland most truly and loyally and that, I will abide by the rules and regulations of the National Cadet Crops. Further under the command and control of my commanding officer I will participate in every camp most sincerely and wholeheartedly”.
We the cadet of the National Cadet Corps, do solemnly pledge that we shall always uphold the unity of India. We resolve to be disciplined and responsible citizen of our nation. We shall undertake positive community service in the spirit of selflessness and concern for our fellow beings.
Objectives of NCC
To Develop Character, Comradeship, Discipline, Leadership, Secular Outlook, Spirit of Adventure, and Ideals of Selfless Service amongst the Youth of the Country.
To Create a Human Resource of Organized, Trained and Motivated Youth, To Provide Leadership in all Walks of life and be Always Available for the Service of the Nation.
To Provide a Suitable Environment to Motivate the Youth to Take Up a Career in the Armed Forces.
Cardinal Principles of NCC
Obey with smile.
Be punctual.
Work hard and without fuss.
Make no excuses and tell no lies.
NCC in Our College
NCC Officer
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Computer Science
Important Activities
Water Day
We conducted a seminar on water day on 22/03/2019.As part of this cadets talked about water day,the importance of water in present day life and the useful remedy measures for preventing water scarcity in all all UG and PG classes.
Congratulation Meeting And Amar Jawan Ceremony
We conducted a congratulation meeting for SUO Charles Joseph who participated in RDC 2019 on 26/03/2019. CO of 33(k)Bn.NCC:Nedumkandam Lt.Col.Sunil Kumar GR gave momento to SUO Charles Joseph for his achievement.After the meeting we conducted AMAR JAWAN Ceremony in the memory of our brave soldiers.
Maulankar Shooting CAMP-IBC
camp was conducted under the 15(K)Bn.NCC:Thiruvalla. 4 cadets from MES College Nedumkandam under the 33(K)Bn.NCC:NEDUMKANDAM participated in the camp from 25/04/2019 to 30/04/2019 and we had 4th position un the competition
first TSC team of 42 cadets of 33(K)Bn.NCC:NEDUMKANDAM participated the camp conducted under the 15(K)Bn.NCC:Thiruvalla on 13/05/2019.11 cadets from MES College Nedumkandam participated in the camp and that was ended on 21/05 2019.
The camp was started from 01/06/2019 in St. Thomas College Ranni under the 14(K)Bn.NCC. 5 cadets from MES College Nedumkandam under the 33(K)Bn.NCC:NEDUMKANDAM participated in the camp and on 09/06/2019 the camp was came to end
On 23/06/2019 the third camp started. Three cadets(Nithisha Lal Govinth,Madon Monichan,Jithin Jiji) from MES College Nedumkandam under 33(K)Bn.NCC:NEDUMKANDAM participated the camp conducted at St.Thomas College Ranni under the 14(K)Bn. NCC and on 02/07/2019 the camp was ended.
Environment Day
“Let’s nurture the nature so that we can have a better future” on response to this thought we decided to plant trees in the surroundings of the campus on 05/06/2019. Principal Prof.AM Rasheed inagurate the function by plant a tree and passed the message on environment Authorities of Pampadumpara grama panchayat were also present there.
Guard Of Honour
Seniors gave general salute to our Group commander at 33(k)Bn.NCC:Nedumkandam headquarters on 14/06/2019.
Yoga Day
Yoga Day
On 21/06/2019 we celebrate the yoga day and practice some yoga exercises lead by cadets.ANO Lt.Rishal Rasheed passed the message on the yoga day.
Anti Drug's Day
As an awareness of this day cadets performed flash move and drama at Holy Cross Convent School Neeumkandam on 26/06/2019.ANO Lt.Rishal Rasheed talked to students the importance of the day and how to escape from drugs.Cdt.Ashwin Roy passed the pledge of anti drug’s day.
Selection For Second Year Cadets
To examine the fitness of cadets we conducted a selection process for second year cadets on 06/07/2019.selection process contain various events including 1500m running,100m running,chin ups,push ups,etc…
Bio-Waste Survey
We conducted a bio-waste survey in association with Pampadumpara grama panchayat in our locality 14/07/2019.For this cadets prepared a survey form including details like water availability, management of bio,plastic and electronic wastes,etc..
Kargil Vijay Divas
On the memory of KARGIL VIJAY DIVAS and our brave soldiers we celebrate KARGIL VIJAY DIVAS on 28/07/2019.We conducted a exhibition of charts prepared by cadets and a seminar for cadets.Cdt Sreenath M Nair lead the class.JUO shins Lalichan passed the message of the day.
Make Up Of Waste Pits
On the basis of previous survey we digged waste pits for 10 families near our college for the management of bio-wastes and plastic wastes on 04/07/2019.
Blood Donation
Few cadets from our college donate blood for some necessary patience at St.John’s hospital kattappana on 06/07/2019.
Awareness For Mansoon Diseases
To give awareness to prevent mansoon diseases we conducted a awareness seminar for all 1st year UG students and their parents on 27/07/2019.Cpl.Athulya Mariya lead the class.
Cloth Collection
We collect the necessary cloths to make the cloth carry bag on 03/08/2019,to make a motive to reduce plastic wastes in the campus.
First Year Selection
For the recruitment of new batch of cadets we conducted a selection for 1st year UG students on 31/07/2019.Selection was under the control of seniors.Selection including events like 1500m running,100m running,chin ups,push ups,group discussion and personal interview.
Independence Day
On Aug 15 2019 we celebrated our Independence day and first official parade of the year including all cadets. Seniors performed a show parade.
Cleaning In Flood Relief Camp
On 16/08/2019 ncc cadets under the supervision of J.U.O Shince Lalichan and J.U.O Bibin Rajesh conducted a cleaning program in flood relief camp at Kattappana. To fecilitate a healthy environment.
Establish Waste Pits In Campus
On the basis of the previous survey we establish some waste baskets in campus on 17/08/2019.CO of 33(k)Bn.NCC:Nedumkandam Col.Sjeendran C inagurate the function and talked to the cadets about the necessary of waste management.
The camp was started on 06/09/2019 at DMC college Kuravilangadu. 14 cadets from MES College Nedumkandam under the 33(K)Bn. NCC:NEDUMKANDAM participated in the camp and the camp was ended on 15/09/2019 in this IBC competition 33(k)Bn.NCC:Nedumkandam won runners up.
The camp was conducted on 16/09/2019 at SA College Edathuva. In the camp 6 cadets from MES College Nedumkandam under 33(K)Bn. NCC:NEDUMKANDAM were participated and the camp was came to an end on 22/09/2019.
The camp was conducted at Amrutha high school Moolavattom and 2 cadets from MES College Nedumkandam were participated. The camp was started on 25/09/2019 and wind up on 02/10/2019
The camp was conducted at Jawahar Navodaya Vidhyalaya school Mayannur,SGT Shijo Shaji from MES College Nedumkandam were participated. The camp was started on 13/10/2019 and wind up on 21/10/2019
Swachatha Program
33(k)Bn.NCC: NEDUMKANDAM conducted a cleaning program and a awareness rally on 02/10/2019 as part of swachh bharat mission. Pappinimedu tourist spot cleaned and made wonderful.
Fire And Safety
The fire and rescue of nedumkandam and NCC unit of MES college conducted a fire and safety awareness program in the college campus on 16/10/2019. The fire and rescue team conveyed the safety precautions to be taken during fire accidents and conducted live demonstrations has to put out fire.
Para Basic Course
We got a golden chance to attend the PARA BASIC COURSE,one of the most prestigious camp offered by NCC. One sd named Arun George from our unit selected as the one of three from Kerala for this camp and successfully completed the course held at PTS,AIR FORCE STATION AGRA from 01/11/2019 – 25/11/2019.
Traffic Day
On 18/11/2019 NCC unit of MES college Nedumkandam conducted a traffic awareness program. Motor vehicle inspector of Nedumkandam MVD spoken about the importance of the traffic rules. And then we conducted a traffic awareness rally from MES College Nedumkandam to Nedumkandam town.
On 23/11/2019 MES College Nedumkandam Ncc unit celebrated Ncc Day. We also conducted a treasure hunt competition for the cadets.
Guard Of Honour
A team of 8 cadets from our NCC unit gave general salute to Group Captain at Mar Basil school Senapathy.
NCC Fest
On 12/12/2019 11 cadets from our Ncc unit participated in the NCC fest conducted by government college manimalakkun.we participated in all events including Guard of honour,quiz,face painting,speech and in thug of war.
Seminar On Defense Opportunities
We conducted a class based0 on the topic opportunities and vaccanies provided by the Indian armed forces on 21/12/2019.The class was taken by a former ncc cadet in mes college nedumkandam.
camp was begin on 21/12/2019 at MD College Pazhanji under the 24(K)Bn.NCC: THRISSUR. 5 cadets from MES College Nedumkandam under the 33(K)Bn.NCC:NEDUMKANDAM were become a part of the camp. And the cam was came to end on 01/01/2020.
The camp was held on 21/12/2019 at Government College Vidyanagar under 32(K)Bn.NCC:Payyanoor. 2 cadets from MES College Nedumkandam under the 33(K)Bn.NCC:NEDUMKANDAM attended the camp.The camp wind up on01/01/2020.
Annual trekking camp was conducted on February 2016 to Chokramudi near munnar. Our ANO Maj Dr. Johnykutty J Ozhukayil joined along with the cadets.
International Yoga Day - 2015
Celebrated on June 21st 2015 at MA College Kothamangalam. 45 cadets participated.
Traffic Awareness Club
MESTRAC traffic awareness club of NCC MES unit was launched on 11th January 2015. MVI M.T Davis conduct classes on traffic rules.
Sahapadikku Oru Swanthanam
A program named “Sahapadikku Oru Swanthanam” was organized to collect fund to help one of the students of MES College Nedumkandam for the cause of her father’s bad health. One lakh rupees were collected and MLA K.K.Jayachandran handover it.